Water Recycling and Integrated River Basin Management Plan

Wednesday, 13 April 2011


Seoul, RO Korea — On April 12, 2011 (Tuesday), KEI Department of Water and Environment held a seminar titled, “Water Recycling and Integrated River Basin Management Plan for the Management of Urban Streams.” For this seminar, KEI invited Professor Eun-Sung Jung from Seoul National University of Science and Technology, and around 10 researchers from KEI participated in the event.


At the seminar, Professor Jung discussed various issues related to the Anyangchun Project, including the planning process to maintain healthy water cycle through sustainable integrated river basin management plan, impact of climate change and change in the use of land on streams, and measures to secure instream water. After his presentation, Professor Jung spent some time discussing with KEI researchers the difficulties of planning and implementing such a project, as well as problems in securing instream water and solutions to said problems.


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