NOWPAP Attends Marine Litter Forum
Saturday, 6 July 2013

Tokyo, Japan — NOWPAP representatives attended the Forum on 14-15 March in Tokyo which was organized by JEAN (Japan Environmental Action Network).
The Forum reviewed the implementation of the "Law for the Promotion of Marine Litter Disposal" enacted in 2009 in Japan and the role of NGOs in raising public awareness on marine litter and galvanizing local actions, as demonstrated by JEAN and Ocean Conservancy (OC) involvement in the implementation of a Japanese government-sponsored project dealing with the 2011 tsunami-generated marine debris.
Using the opportunity, the NOWPAP representatives had a group talk with JEAN, OC, Our Sea of East Asia Network (OSEAN) and Okinawa Ocean Culture and Environment Action Network (OCEAN) to share an idea of creating a webpage at the NOWPAP website to highlight the NGOs efforts in the region. As the NGO representatives welcomed such idea, the webpage has been created ( They were also updated on the preparation of the NOWPAP ICC and the workshop in Okinawa in October 2013 including a NGO session suggested.