Timor Leste
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Timor-Leste is a country endowed with natural beauty, including magnificent coral reefs, pristine coastal waters, and megafauna assemblages including whales, dolphins, whale sharks, orcas and manta rays. It is also a young country that is in the process of rebuilding its physical, governance and institutional structures, with primary focus on poverty reduction and promotion of equitable and sustainable economic growth. The National Development Plan (2004) recognizes the inextricable link between these goals and natural resource management, and promotes sound management and utilization of natural resources together with development of alternative sources of livelihood.
Over the years, Timor-Leste has made considerable advances in the sustainable management of its oceans, addressing various threats that cross jurisdictions and sectors, and promoting integrated management approaches. ICM in the context of climate change was promoted in cooperation with various development partners. For example, in the municipalities of Dili, Manatuto, and Liquica, the SDS-SEA Program is assisting the local governments to strengthen collaborative planning mechanisms in support of ongoing government decentralization processes.
In 2007, Timor-Leste created its first marine park, Nino Konis Santana National Park, in order to conserve 123,600ha of land and seascapes which are home to nationally and globally significant species and habitats. The park includes 55,600ha of the "Coral Triangle" and 25 endemic bird species. Timor-Leste has also undertaken coastal resource and habitat assessment and mapping and various activities in the watershed areas in collaboration with various experts and donors. Capacity development activities for alternative livelihood to reduce poverty and protect marine and coastal resources have also been undertaken in selected local areas. Various efforts are also underway to develop plans and enabling policies and legislations for natural resource conservation and sustainable development, including the implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA).
The National Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2011-2030 provides directions for the integrated management of environment and natural resources across sectors. In addition, a roadmap for the implementation of the SDP and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been created. In 2018, the National Oceans Policy (NOP) for Timor-Leste continued to be promoted to the government and various development partners as a framework for consolidating government, sectoral and donor/partner-supported initiatives related to the coasts and oceans. Consultations were also initiated on the development of the NOP Implementation Plan. To demonstrate local implementation of the policy, the municipalities of Dili, Manatuto and Liquica—through their inter-agency ICM Task Teams, with support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF) and PEMSEA ICM Learning Centers at the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL) and Oriental University of Timor-Leste (UNITAL)—held stakeholder consultations for the preparation of coastal strategies and implementation plans, which will promote a coordinated approach among governments, communities and various partners in addressing priority issues in their respective coastal areas.
Focal Points:
Mr. Acacio Guterres
Director-General of Fishery, Aquaculture and Marine Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF)
Mr. Celestino da Cunha Barreto (Operational Focal Point)
National Director of Marine Spatial Planning, Capture Fisheries, and Aquatic Resources Management, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF)
PEMSEA eBulletin - August 2024
Dear PEMSEA community,
Welcome to the August e-bulletin!
We have a little over 60 days before EAS Congress 2024 kicks off! Do check out the messages from Dr. Vann Monyneath, Chair of the EAS Partnership Council, alongside key officials Sun Shuxian, Vice Minister of Natural Resources, and Huang Wenhui, Mayor of Xiamen, inviting the global ocean community to join us in this triennial event to foster stronger regional collaboration in ocean governance and management.
This month’s bulletin also features the winners of the “Humans of East Asian Seas” challenge which we launched last year to commemorate PEMSEA’s 30th anniversary. Thirty local champions of coastal and marine conservation across the region were selected, with the top three profiled in this bulletin in recognition of their contributions in promoting sustainable coastal development, namely: Ms. Masako Bannai Otsuka of Japan, Mr. Prak Visal of Cambodia, and Dr. Wang Jinhe of China.
We also want to inform you about the new features on the SEA Knowledge Bank platform. The revamped platform now includes an e-library of scientific publications, an interactive map of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) sites, and new resources from ongoing projects.
Local government officials from Tangerang Regency, Indonesia, recently completed an ICM study tour in Batangas City, Philippines. The visit, held from 30 July to 1 August 2024, facilitated LGU to LGU knowledge exchange on sustainable coastal practices and management strategies.
The GEF/UNDP/ASEAN River Basin Project organized a Regional Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Workshop in Bogor City, Indonesia, on 6-7 August 2024. The workshop brought together participants from seven river basins in ASEAN member states to discuss regional GESI analysis, develop stakeholder maps, and improve capacity for mainstreaming GESI principles in river basin management programs.
In other updates, a recent PEMSEA study reveals growing interest in Blue Carbon Ecosystems (BCEs) across the East Asian Seas region. BCE projects, focusing on mangroves, seagrasses, and other critical habitats, are advancing efforts in conservation, research, and restoration.
From the ATSEA-2 Project, global experts convened in Bali, Indonesia for the Global Dialogue on Sustainable Ocean Development with ATSEA-2 Regional Project Manager, Dr. Handoko Adi Susanto representing ATSEA/PEMSEA in the dialogue.
The 2024 EAS Congress will be hosted by China in Xiamen from 6-8 November 2024. It is organized through a partnership between the Ministry of Natural Resources of China, the Xiamen Municipal People’s Government, and PEMSEA.
The event will take place in conjunction with Xiamen World Ocean Week, featuring the city's commitment to sustainable ocean management and regional collaboration.
For more information, visit the 2024 EAS Congress website.
PEMSEA NETWORK OF LEARNING CENTERS (PNLC) 2024 Executive Committee Meeting Proceedings
The document contains the proceedings from the PNLC Executive Committee (EC) held 22 July 2024 in Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.
The meeting was participated in by the President and Vice-President of the PNLC, the PEMSEA Executive Director the PNLC Secretariat from IPB and the PEMSEA Resource Facility. The agenda included:
· Review of the PNLC Workplan
· PNLC Secretariat Turnover MOA to CCMRS-IPB
· Updates and plans on PNLC Financial Sustainability Efforts
· New PNLC Membership Applications
· PNLG-PNLC Joint Session at the EAS Congress 2024
· 4th PNLC General Assembly AgendaThe meeting was organized jointly by the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF) and the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (CCMRS) of the IPB University, Indonesia with support from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) of the Philippines.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth East Asian Seas Partnership Council Meeting
The 16th EAS Partnership Council Meeting was held on July 23-24, 2024, at Costa Palawan Resort, Puerto Princesa, Philippines, and via Zoom. Onsite participants included the EAS PC Chair; the Intergovernmental Session Chair and Co-Chair; the Technical Session Co-Chair ; the Executive Director of the PEMSEA Resource Facility (PRF); country partners from Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Philippines, Timor-Leste and Vietnam; non-country partners from the ASEAN Center for Biodiversity (ACB), Oil Spill Response Ltd. (OSRL), PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG), and PEMSEA Network of Learning Centers (PNLC) as an observer.
Online participants included the EAS PC Co-chair, Technical Session Chair, country partners from RO Korea and Singapore; non-country partners from the International Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas Center (EMECS), International Union for Conservation of Nature - Asia Regional Office (IUCN-ARO), Korea Institute for Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation (KOEM), Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation (OPRI-SPF), Ipieca and the National Marine Hazard Mitigation Service (NMHMS).
The meeting covered various topics including updates on the EAS Congress 2024, progress report on SDS-SEA Implementation 2023-2027, updates on the Blue Carbon Program, and preparations for the 8th Ministerial Forum. Key outcomes included approving NMHMS as a new non-country partner, discussing the draft Ministerial Declaration, and approving the PRF Work Plan and Budget for 2024-2025. The meeting concluded with recommendations for enhancing regional cooperation and sustainable coastal management in the East Asian Seas region.