PEMSEA continues to innovate and expand its various regional networks in support of the implementation of the SDS-SEA. building on more than three decades of experience, in which individuals, organizations and public and private entities have been engaged in advancing knowledge and technology transfer, information exchange, and skills training, a number of new arrangements and networking approaches have been developed.

PEMSEA Network of Learning Centers
PEMSEA Learning Centers are higher education institutions (HEIs) that have the institutional capacity and track record to provide academic degree programs and other means of capacity development, research, and technical advisory services on sustainable coastal and marine resource development. RCOEs are either HEIs or research institutions that may or may not offer academic degree programs but have received recognition of high distinction from their national governments for exemplary performance in capacity development, research, and technical advisory services on sustainable coastal and marine resource development.

PEMSEA Network of Local Governments
The PEMSEA Network of Local Governments (PNLG) for Sustainable Coastal Development is the first of its kind in the East Asian Seas region. It is a self-sustaining network of local governments implementing ICM programs. Local government members develop and implement ICM programs using the same framework and processes.

PEMSEA puts great importance in engaging the youth in sustainably managing the coastal and marine biodiversity and resources, and in the success of implementing the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA).