4 Provinces Go for Integration, Support ICM Implementation in Cambodia
Monday, 19 July 2010

Sihanoukville, Cambodia — In an effort to promote sustainable management of coastal areas, more than 50 key agency representatives from the four coastal provinces and the national government and the Ministry of Environment gathered in Sihanoukville for a five-day training workshop on ICM, as well as to discuss how better integration of initiatives across sectors and ecosystems would facilitate effective coastal management.The five-day training workshop consisted of modules on ICM concepts and principles, and how ICM helps to achieve sustainable development of coastal areas. From Day 1 of the ICM Course – Understanding ICM, the participants were eager to know "how" integration is done at the local level."You're saying good things, but how do you actually do it?", expressed one participant. The case of the Preah Sihanouk ICM Program was shared to answer this question. The case study was followed by a field visit to the specific project sites, including Stung Hav community fisheries, Occheauteal Beach and the sewage treatment facility. The visits enabled the participants to understand how integration is being operationalized to address priority issues at the local level. This also allowed the participants to learn how various stakeholders were involved in the process of implementation.The training was organized by the Ministry of Environment, the Royal University of Phnom Penh and the PEMSEA Resource Facility on 24-28 May.From learning to doingFollowing the training sessions, the participants prepared their one-year plans, in the process identifying what needs to be done to be able to prepare and initiate ICM implementation in their respective provinces. Initial site assessments from the PEMSEA Resource Facility representatives and the Sihanoukville Project Management Office were conducted in Kampot and Koh Kong to discuss how the provinces can set up their ICM projects."Even if Sihanoukville has a good experience in ICM, our neighboring provinces also need to adopt this approach. The challenges of coastal management are shared by other coastal provinces and we must act together to solve these problems," expressed H.E. Sbong Sarath, Governor of SIhanoukville, at the opening ceremony of the ICM Training.Click here to read the PEMSEA case study on Stung Hav, Preah Sihanouk, Cambodia.